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Audio Samples

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I have had a few people contact me asking how to download the files.   Easiest way to do this is to right click and choose “save link as”.  


Then you will get an option to save the file onto your computer where ever you want it to be saved.

Obedience (2984 downloads ) Obedience- A puppet feels that she is the most important. She thinks that no one else is important. She learns that others are important as well. She finds that following the rules can save your life and save your soul. Scripture quote from Acts 2:38.

Download here…

Lead of God (6589 downloads )   Two pencil puppets discuss the excitement of going back to school.  One puppet finds out that he has the greatest friend with him daily.  He teaches that God dwells in us when we know him.  Forgiveness, Holy Ghost, and baptism are explained in this lesson.

Grab it in the audio download section of the site.

Got another one for download… I have several this week we will be posting.

B Ryan trys out... (5323 downloads )   Grandpa listens to B Ryan preach – Grandpa asks everyone to listen in and help him decide if this young man should preach on Sunday night.  B Ryan gives an example of his Bible knowledge.  This message leaves Grandpa speechless.   2 puppets –  Bro B Ryan & Grandpa

Go here to download

Let me know which you like better?  Mp3 or mp3 in a zipped file.  I sometimes find it easier to download it in a zipped file because it simply goes directly to a save as option rather than begin playing such as the mp3 file does…   Let me know which you would rather we do the mp3 files in… means you must register but do it and leave me a comment…

