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Don’t forget to do a search in the audio files for back to school puppet skits.

There are several in there and work well for doing puppet shows for when the kids are getting ready to go back to school.


I have listed some of the ones that go together in a show…



A Story about Creation (84)  The Creation Story Back 2 School – A lesson describing the seven days of creation.  One puppet tells the story as another puppet adds his description of what took place.   This is a rather long skit but is funny…  adults love this one.

Lead of God (59)  Two pencil puppets discuss the excitement of going back to school.  One puppet finds out that he has the greatest friend with him daily.  He teaches that God dwells in us when we know him.  Forgiveness, Holy Ghost, and baptism are explained in this lesson.

I am a friend of God (101) Puppets are preparing to return to school. This lesson teaches about doing good unto others even though they do evil unto you. One puppet shares the gospel with a friend who wants to join the cool crowd and thinks that he is weird for being a Christian and doesn’t want to hang around with him.

Seymour’s new friend (259) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of 1 male puppet and 1 female puppet.  It is about peer pressure and what can happen if you listen to the wrong friends.


more to be added later.




Working on some stickers that we should have available in the store soon.   This is one of them…


Keep checking back to see what we add.




I haven’t forgotten about posting the videos but I am still working on getting them finished so that I can post them.  I hope it to be this week.   Don’t forget to sign-up for our newsletter, this will also allow you to be notified when we do post new content in the video and audio section of the site.




Working on some more puppet scripts along with some songs.  I hope to be posting a few later this week or the beginning of next week.   Be sure to sign up on our contact list so when we do our mailing you will be included.



We rode out the storm that passed through Cleveland, TN at a friends house.   She called several times worried about us, knowing we did not have a basement to go to so we packed up and went over to her house.   I pulled up in front as I normally do but my wife insisted that I pull under the carport just in case of hail.  Well 10 minutes after we were in the house there was a large cracking  sound and a tree fell, exactly where I would have normally parked.   At first I felt relief until a thought came to mind.  I had been asking God to help us pay the car off so we could get out from under a car payment, he answered but I wasn’t where I was supposed to be…


I thank God for protecting us and others in the storm and my prayers continue to go out to the families of the 327 people whose lives were lost in the storm….