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I haven’t forgotten about posting the videos but I am still working on getting them finished so that I can post them.  I hope it to be this week.   Don’t forget to sign-up for our newsletter, this will also allow you to be notified when we do post new content in the video and audio section of the site.




Words can hurt (3654 downloads )   A puppet fights a bully and gets hurt.  He learns that words don’t hurt.  He learns to pray for those that hurt us.  What would Jesus Do?

Another puppet skit uploaded.  All you have to do is download the mp3 file and hit play and you have a puppet show going.  Add some of your favorite songs and you can have the kids hopping up and down the entire time!!!


Reasons to Read the BIBLE (4191 downloads ) A bored puppet learns from a talking Bible puppet about the importance of reading the Bible.  He learns that there are interesting true stories in the Bible.  It teaches that reading your Bible can make it easier to witness as God’s word is hidden in your heart.

The Wee Little Man (5844 downloads )    The Wee Man- A monkey puppet is upset because everyone makes fun of him for being small.  He tries to get back at people by being mean to them but he finds out that it doesn’t make him feel any better.  He learns that getting to know Jesus can make him feel better.  This lesson discusses the story about Zacheus.  He finds out that he can ask Jesus for forgiveness and that Jesus will come into his heart.

A Story about Creation (6382 downloads )   The Creation Story Back 2 School – A lesson describing the seven days of creation.  One puppet tells the story as another puppet adds his description of what took place.


This is a rather long skit but is funny…  adults love this one.