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Are you looking for a story line or subject for a good puppet skit?  This part is easy simply take down the Bible and open it up, you have an entire reference book before you.  No matter how many times you feel them may have heard the story you can tell it in your way.  Kids love watching and hearing the same story over and over. My son watches the video over and over and over… about 30 times more than I would have, repetition is good!

Fixed the audio file for Seymour’s new friend…

Seymour’s new friend (5) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of 1 male puppet and 1 female puppet.  It is about peer pressure and what can happen if you listen to the wrong friends.

Peer pressure – we all deal with it even if we are not kids, but kids sometimes do not know how to handle it.  This puppet skit will help them do that, they will realize what listening to the wrong kids can get them… no where but trouble.   I like this skit because I used to be that “new friend” and would lead kids in the wrong direction, nothing bad  I was just being a kid…   Got a lot of spankings  

Great is God and greatly to be praised!!!

Bro. James

There are many good scenarios for two character skits. A good one is a story teller and listener. The story teller can recite a story to the other character. The listener can involve the children in the skit. This is more effective than an adult telling a story.  Children are more likely to listen to a funny and whimsical character.  My wife and I have always worked with 2 puppet skits, mainly because we could always count on ourselves to participate.  Working in the ministry you may not always have all the hands you need when working with puppets so it is always a good thing to simply plan on working with a 2 puppet skit and work your way up from there.  In the audio download section we have several pre-recorded puppet skits that are all 2 puppet skits… you simply download the mp3, burn it to a cd in the order you want the puppet show to go and hit play.  

So remember that 2 is the magic number!

Hand puppets are rather inexpensive. You can find them in many toy departments. You may also make your own. It is not difficult to use various types of characters.  They can also be purchased online, prices range from fairly reasonable to very expensive.  I have found that the more simple the better. Sure the more expensive puppets work even better but if you are simply entertaining in your classroom or Sunday school room the cheaper puppets will work fine.  My wife and I over the years have learned to work on little to no budget; we even learned how to make our own puppets.  Now having a creative mind really works when you are working on little to no budget because you can create something spectacular out of nothing!  I can look at a room full of “junk” and begin seeing things come together.  We once built an entire fall festival on a budget of less than $100.00 and it was a total hit.  Not only did the kids enjoy it but the adults kept talking about it.   I remember once that for a back to school puppet show I wanted to create something new so I designed some pencil puppets, they were a hit.  We simply took some foam, rolled into tubes and painted them to look like pencils.  The same thing can be used for crayons… simple, cheap and mind blowing!!!

Seymour's new friend (6517 downloads ) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of 1 male puppet and 1 female puppet.  It is about peer pressure and what can happen if you listen to the wrong friends.

Peer pressure – we all deal with it even if we are not kids, but kids sometimes do not know how to handle it.  This puppet skit will help them do that, they will realize what listening to the wrong kids can get them… no where but trouble.   I like this skit because I used to be that “new friend” and would lead kids in the wrong direction, nothing bad  I was just being a kid…   Got a lot of spankings 🙂 

Great is God and greatly to be praised!!!

Bro. James