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james dunn II

That is correct, our Christian Comedy Konnection DVD volume 1 is free, the only thing you pay is shipping at 5.95. This is a 20.00 value for only 5.95.

From juggling to hillbillies to being wrapped in tissue paper, and yes, even how to convert a mannequin, Director James M. Dunn II and Eddie Sax bring you this exciting video for the Christian home. This non-stop hour of Christian Stand-Up Comedy will keep you laughing without losing your religion!
Preacher’s kid Ryan Coffey tells about how being used in church can make you lose your coolness.
Singer, songwriter Sharron Kay King introduces you to the disruptive Guitar Granny (“Yes, you gotta wear the hat!”)
Comedy Juggler Eddie Sax contends with being heckled by toddlers while he continues to toss a bowling ball ‘heavenward.’ (“Three clubs, two hands, one God…”)
Pastor Jimmy Toney shares the opportunities that being in the ministry has afforded him to place his foot into his mouth.
Bonus footage included—“Who’s in the Godhead”—a brilliant and hilarious parody of how Abbott & Costello might have explained this most controversial topic.

so order now while supplies last – if we run out we will duplicate more… still do not wait any longer to get this funny family DVD.  SOLD OUT!!!