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puppet skits

Words can hurt (3658 downloads )   A puppet fights a bully and gets hurt.  He learns that words don’t hurt.  He learns to pray for those that hurt us.  What would Jesus Do?

We are having a super church with puppets for the kids on Easter Sunday April 24th at 10:00am


Cleveland UPC

4095 Peerless Road NW

Cleveland, TN 37323


Come join us and bring the kids and have them learn about Jesus while having fun!!!

Here at Puppets of Worship I say the best way to keep up with what is going on is to sign up for the newsletter(sign-up in the left hand side). I do not enjoy spam (except to eat) so I do not force it on anyone else.  I just like to send out friendly reminders every now and again when the site has been updated and has something new to offer.   About once a month I might send out a letter stating everything that has been going on and what is coming up.

Also if you register on the site and comment on some of the posts of what you are looking for, what you might need or anything that you can think of it helps when I get feedback and know that we are doing a good job.   Even if it is just a thank you now and again really helps me to keep building and working on the site!!!

I have added more audio files to the site, along with some puppet bumper stickers and some stickers that you can hand out to the kids.  Knowing how budgets do not always make it to the “children ministry” section of the church I truly understand that money is mostly the problem and I try to price the items in the store accordingly.


I have had a few people contact me asking how to download the files.   Easiest way to do this is to right click and choose “save link as”.  


Then you will get an option to save the file onto your computer where ever you want it to be saved.

A puppet ministry can be a very good way to teach religion to children. They have a universal appeal to all.  You can make it a fun experience for your young people.  With very little resources and a creative mind your ministry can take on a life of its own. Not only will you educate and entertain the kids but you will find that adults find it entertaining also.  On our last 4th of July puppet show we had over 150 people show up to watch the puppets, approx 90 of that 150 were adults. The adults walked away talking and laughing about the puppet show, which was translated into donations and support in our next fund raising event for the kids.  So, put on your thinking cap and get creative!!! 

For done-for-you audio puppet skits check out our audio download page… These mp3 files are ready to go… simply burn them to a CD and hit play and raise the puppets up… the rest is left up to you!!!!