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Audio Samples

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Let me know which you like better?  Mp3 or mp3 in a zipped file.  I sometimes find it easier to download it in a zipped file because it simply goes directly to a save as option rather than begin playing such as the mp3 file does…   Let me know which you would rather we do the mp3 files in… means you must register but do it and leave me a comment…



We have a super church for the kids coming up in two weeks and so I am writing some new puppet skits which I will turn into audio downloads. I will add the audio files as mp3’s to the download section once I have finished them.

These are files where you simply hit the play button, put your hand into the puppet and do the show!!!

Sign-up for our newsletter to you can recieve updates for when we upload the new files…



It seems we are narrowing down the audio download problem. The download link doesn’t show here on the homepage but if you click into the post it will show up and allow you to download the audio file. Sorry about this, but we are working to get it fixed.

More to come
Thanks and God bless!!!


Working on trying to get the download plug-in working again.  Updated the site and it broke something but we have more audio files to upload along with some video files.   The video files can be used in classrooms, websites, etc… just ask if you feel that you must sell them please remember to donate to our cause too.

Once we get the downloads working again I can link in to the files we have uploaded and you can begin to enjoy the puppet audios again.

Not sure what is going on right now with the download links.  I am checking everything to see if it is the plug-in or the word-press update that I did the other night.  You can still download most of the files from the audio download page.  I have also started to put the files in zip format so that they will automatically begin to download for you.