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This skit has 2 puppets,  a boy and a girl and they are discussing the miracle of the 3 Hebrew men that were thrown into the fire and came out unharmed. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego  


Grandpa talks to his granddaughter about the birth and celebration of our great nation!!! This download includes the skit in a word document and also an audio file that can be played instead.  

Birthday of our country puppet skit is a 2 puppet skit that has an audio file that can be downloaded and played easy as 1-2-3.  Sound effects and music are already in the audio file.   It also has the puppet skit in a word document with it as a download.   

Jesus vs. Santa (6381 downloads )    Two puppets discuss who is better at Christmas time,  Jesus or Santa.   Both have good points but see who wins out in the end.!!!   Who can wash away your sins…  nothing but the blood of Jesus.   Who calmed the winds, walked on water…  hmmm he sure dont drive no sleigh.      Words to the skit can be download here


Devil got whupped by my granny (5718 downloads )    Granny gets her prayer on and begins to pound on the devil.   This skit is sang to the tune of “Granny got ran over by the reindeer” and proceeds to show that with Granny praying the devil dont stand a chance.  !!!!  Play it loud so all can hear.  A copy of the words are available for download so that people can sing along with the skit.   1 grandma puppet,  a devil puppet and the little kid puppet to sing while granny whups up on the devil.   Great laughs, the kids love watching the devil get beat up, put in a headlock and thrown around.

Words can be download here


WHAT IF - Bro B. Ryan (5309 downloads )    W H A T I F !  Bro B Ryan gets all riled up asking folks about What if…   What if the star had been seen in the west and not the east.  What if there had been GPS navigation and baby Jesus had been found by the king.   What if there had been room in the inn,  these and many more are asked and answered in the puppet skit starring Bro B Ryan.    1 puppet needed.

Words to the skit can be downloaded here


Grandpa explains about giving (9821 downloads ) Grandpa teaches his grand daughter about giving at Christmas time.  It is funny because Grandpa cant hear very well but he gives his great wisdom based on what he thinks he hears.   Grandpa is an ongoing series that we use and you should see more of grandpa in the audio download section of the site.  2 puppets –  1 grandpa and 1 girl puppet.


All I WANT for Christmas (10596 downloads ) All I WANT for Christmas is a puppet skit about what is important about Christmas – Giving!   This skit teaches the kids about the importance of giving and not about it being what “I WANT”     This is 2 boy puppets talking about giving.


Bro B-Ryan - Telling it how it is! (5484 downloads )   This script is with of course the crowd favorite and it is Bro B-Ryan and he is about telling it how it is!  From telling the husbands not to have strange breath to taking up an offering… over and over and over again…   We used it the other night and got tons of laughs from it.  Bro B-Ryan is a crowd pleaser and our favorite.   The Pastor’s wife thinks he’s funny and little Hanna Jo thinks he cute.  1 Boy Puppet is needed and a very animated arm!!   Have fun


The Wee Little Man (5887 downloads ) The Wee Man- A monkey puppet is upset because everyone makes fun of him for being small.  He tries to get back at people by being mean to them but he finds out that it doesn’t make him feel any better.  He learns that getting to know Jesus can make him feel better.  This lesson discusses the story about Zacheus.  He finds out that he can ask Jesus for forgiveness and that Jesus will come into his heart.


Exciting stories in the Bible (5848 downloads ) A puppet learns that stories of the Bible are awesome.  He finds out the stories of the Bible are exciting and adventurous as well as true.  Stories about Samson, the parting of the red sea, a blind man is healed, the fiery furnace, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, etc.  A lesson about going to Sunday School to learn about God.


A Story about Creation (6427 downloads )   The Creation Story Back 2 School – A lesson describing the seven days of creation.  One puppet tells the story as another puppet adds his description of what took place.   This is a rather long skit but is funny…  adults love this one.


Lead of God (6623 downloads )   Two pencil puppets discuss the excitement of going back to school.  One puppet finds out that he has the greatest friend with him daily.  He teaches that God dwells in us when we know him.  Forgiveness, Holy Ghost, and baptism are explained in this lesson.


B Ryan trys out... (5352 downloads )   Grandpa listens to B Ryan preach – Grandpa asks everyone to listen in and help him decide if this young man should preach on Sunday night.  B Ryan gives an example of his Bible knowledge.  This message leaves Grandpa speechless.   2 puppets –  Bro B Ryan & Grandpa


I am a friend of God (6774 downloads ) Puppets are preparing to return to school. This lesson teaches about doing good unto others even though they do evil unto you. One puppet shares the gospel with a friend who wants to join the cool crowd and thinks that he is weird for being a Christian and doesn’t want to hang around with him.


For His Glory (5848 downloads ) We learn that no matter how big or small we are, we are all important to God.


Spiritual Warfare (5718 downloads ) Puppets discuss the spiritual battle that we face. We learn how to prepare ourselves for the battle. We learn that when we let Jesus into our heart we can be prepared to battle sin. The armor of God is explained in this lesson.


Track Baptism-Let's go to the river (4985 downloads ) 2 male puppets Billy Bob discusses the man at the River called Jesus who is walking on the water. He teaches that many received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Billy Bob wants to get the salvation and invites his friend Scotty to go with him to learn about the Baptism. Billy Bob explains that without baptism we cannot see the kingdom of heaven and we will not be able to see Jesus.


Shepards on the Hillside (5470 downloads ) 3-4 puppets – An angel appears to the shepherds and tells them that God will be sending a baby, his only son, to be the savior of the world. He tells them to go to Bethlehem and see this child and tell all the good news. This lesson teaches that we must go and spread the good news that the messiah has come.


Bible Man Sings (5341 downloads ) 1 Bible puppet Bible man sings “All I want for Christmas” and “Somebody snitched on me”


Puppet Christmas (10106 downloads ) 2 puppets 1 male puppet 1 female puppet Rudolph Kringle doesn’t understand the meaning of Christmas and falls down every time someone says the word Christmas. He learns that being greedy is wrong and that if we are generous and share what we have with others we will be blessed. We learn that Jesus is God’s gift to us. After an understanding Rudolph no longer gets weak kneed about Christmas.


An attitude adjustment (3713 downloads ) 1 male puppet and 1 girl puppet.  Skit about attitude adjustment.  Teaches how to change your attitude. Gives them good reason to change it.


Jesus Loves me! (4482 downloads ) Jesus Loves me…   1 girl puppet and 1 boy puppet.  Puppet skit about how and why Jesus loves you.


Climbing Lesson on Worship (2906 downloads ) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of 1 male puppet and 1 female puppet.  It is about learning the joys of worship and that there are no shortcuts when worshiping God.


Sock it to the devil (5862 downloads ) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of 2 puppets –  one can be a puppet which we call Bibleman – he is simply a Bible.  The other is the devil.  They argue back and forth for a while.  This goes well with the song of the same name – sock it to the devil.   The kids love the song because they get to beat the devil up!


Seymour's new friend (6500 downloads ) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of 1 male puppet and 1 female puppet.  It is about peer pressure and what can happen if you listen to the wrong friends.


Bro. B Ryan Preaching-Sermon 1 (4006 downloads ) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of one male puppet name Bro. B Ryan.  In this skit he is preaching about the devil and what he will do with you.  Comedy skit and you will need the letters D E V I L  to go along with the sermon.  This is part 1 in a series of Bro. B Ryan. Dont forget to sign up for our newsletter so that you can stay informed when we post more items.


Be Kind to Others! (6121 downloads ) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of a boy puppet and a girl puppet. They are discussing how to treat others and talk to their brothers or sisters.


Harv's Nervous Service (4061 downloads ) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit.  All the work is done for you. I do have to warn you this script is several minutes long. I hope you have strong arms.  It consists of two puppets, a grandpa puppet and a grandson puppet.