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puppet script

Obedience (2984 downloads ) Obedience- A puppet feels that she is the most important. She thinks that no one else is important. She learns that others are important as well. She finds that following the rules can save your life and save your soul. Scripture quote from Acts 2:38.

Download here…

Little Puppet Book Report (3481 downloads ) Little Puppet Book Report – A puppet is worried about writing a book report for his return back to school and he hasn’t read a book because of his attendance at VBS. He learns that he has read the best book, the Bible this summer.

Download here…

Lead of God (6589 downloads )   Two pencil puppets discuss the excitement of going back to school.  One puppet finds out that he has the greatest friend with him daily.  He teaches that God dwells in us when we know him.  Forgiveness, Holy Ghost, and baptism are explained in this lesson.

Grab it in the audio download section of the site.

Sock it to the devil (5833 downloads ) Puppet audio file that allows you to simply hit play and do a puppet skit. This puppet skit consists of 2 puppets –  one can be a puppet which we call Bibleman – he is simply a Bible.  The other is the devil.  They argue back and forth for a while.  This goes well with the song of the same name – sock it to the devil.   The kids love the song because they get to beat the devil up!

I like to take the puppet around after the song plays and we have done the skit and then play the song again. This allows the kids to “sock it to the devil”  while this is fun you must be careful, because there is always that kids who is freakishly strong and will literally try to break your fingers within the puppet… believe me it will happen.  Also there is the kid who has the thick glasses and will swing for the outfield and will end up hitting the kid next to him while missing socking it to the devil all together…  funny stuff but hard to explain to the parents why their kid got hit during the song “sock it to the devil”….

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Keep up the great work!!!  

Even when you feel no one appreciates you, God is preparing a place for you!!! 

Bro James