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Here at Puppets of Worship I say the best way to keep up with what is going on is to sign up for the newsletter(sign-up in the left hand side). I do not enjoy spam (except to eat) so I do not force it on anyone else.  I just like to send out friendly reminders every now and again when the site has been updated and has something new to offer.   About once a month I might send out a letter stating everything that has been going on and what is coming up.

Also if you register on the site and comment on some of the posts of what you are looking for, what you might need or anything that you can think of it helps when I get feedback and know that we are doing a good job.   Even if it is just a thank you now and again really helps me to keep building and working on the site!!!

I have added more audio files to the site, along with some puppet bumper stickers and some stickers that you can hand out to the kids.  Knowing how budgets do not always make it to the “children ministry” section of the church I truly understand that money is mostly the problem and I try to price the items in the store accordingly.


The Wee Little Man (5848 downloads )    The Wee Man- A monkey puppet is upset because everyone makes fun of him for being small.  He tries to get back at people by being mean to them but he finds out that it doesn’t make him feel any better.  He learns that getting to know Jesus can make him feel better.  This lesson discusses the story about Zacheus.  He finds out that he can ask Jesus for forgiveness and that Jesus will come into his heart.

On site Reporting (2359 downloads )   News reporter brings the news update about good deeds throughout the town.  Puppets witness God’s love first hand as testimonies are given.  Lesson on serving others with good deeds.

Download here…

Lead of God (6590 downloads )   Two pencil puppets discuss the excitement of going back to school.  One puppet finds out that he has the greatest friend with him daily.  He teaches that God dwells in us when we know him.  Forgiveness, Holy Ghost, and baptism are explained in this lesson.

Grab it in the audio download section of the site.

Got another one for download… I have several this week we will be posting.

B Ryan trys out... (5323 downloads )   Grandpa listens to B Ryan preach – Grandpa asks everyone to listen in and help him decide if this young man should preach on Sunday night.  B Ryan gives an example of his Bible knowledge.  This message leaves Grandpa speechless.   2 puppets –  Bro B Ryan & Grandpa

Go here to download