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simon j productions

Let me know which you like better?  Mp3 or mp3 in a zipped file.  I sometimes find it easier to download it in a zipped file because it simply goes directly to a save as option rather than begin playing such as the mp3 file does…   Let me know which you would rather we do the mp3 files in… means you must register but do it and leave me a comment…



We have a super church for the kids coming up in two weeks and so I am writing some new puppet skits which I will turn into audio downloads. I will add the audio files as mp3’s to the download section once I have finished them.

These are files where you simply hit the play button, put your hand into the puppet and do the show!!!

Sign-up for our newsletter to you can recieve updates for when we upload the new files…



Just added six more puppet audio files for download – check out the download page for these files. Yes we still are having problems with the short codes for the downloads on the home page but they do work on the audio downloads page and also on the individual post itself. Don’t forget to sign-up for our newsletter so you can be alerted to when we add more audio files. Don’t worry we do not sell or spam your name… I try to keep my newsletters to a minimal unless I have some really big news!!!

I have some more audio files that I will be uploading soon so keep checking back. Got a little over track with the birth of our 2nd son a while back but we are getting going again.

Go here to download

1.  I am a friend of God (6747 downloads ) Puppets are preparing to return to school. This lesson teaches about doing good unto others even though they do evil unto you. One puppet shares the gospel with a friend who wants to join the cool crowd and thinks that he is weird for being a Christian and doesn’t want to hang around with him.

2.  For His Glory (5824 downloads ) We learn that no matter how big or small we are, we are all important to God.

3. Spiritual Warfare (5692 downloads ) Puppets discuss the spiritual battle that we face. We learn how to prepare ourselves for the battle. We learn that when we let Jesus into our heart we can be prepared to battle sin. The armor of God is explained in this lesson.

4.  Track Baptism-Let's go to the river (4961 downloads ) 2 male puppets Billy Bob discusses the man at the River called Jesus who is walking on the water. He teaches that many received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Billy Bob wants to get the salvation and invites his friend Scotty to go with him to learn about the Baptism. Billy Bob explains that without baptism we cannot see the kingdom of heaven and we will not be able to see Jesus.

5.  Shepards on the Hillside (5444 downloads ) 3-4 puppets – An angel appears to the shepherds and tells them that God will be sending a baby, his only son, to be the savior of the world. He tells them to go to Bethlehem and see this child and tell all the good news. This lesson teaches that we must go and spread the good news that the messiah has come.

6.  Bible Man Sings (5315 downloads ) 1 Bible puppet Bible man sings “All I want for Christmas” and “Somebody snitched on me”

7.  Puppet Christmas (10053 downloads ) 2 puppets 1 male puppet 1 female puppet Rudolph Kringle doesn’t understand the meaning of Christmas and falls down every time someone says the word Christmas. He learns that being greedy is wrong and that if we are generous and share what we have with others we will be blessed. We learn that Jesus is God’s gift to us. After an understanding Rudolph no longer gets weak kneed about Christmas.

It seems we are narrowing down the audio download problem. The download link doesn’t show here on the homepage but if you click into the post it will show up and allow you to download the audio file. Sorry about this, but we are working to get it fixed.

More to come
Thanks and God bless!!!


Working on trying to get the download plug-in working again.  Updated the site and it broke something but we have more audio files to upload along with some video files.   The video files can be used in classrooms, websites, etc… just ask if you feel that you must sell them please remember to donate to our cause too.

Once we get the downloads working again I can link in to the files we have uploaded and you can begin to enjoy the puppet audios again.